6 Above Ground Swimming Pool Myths

We understand that when it comes to above ground swimming pools, there’s a sea of myths circulating that might make you hesitant to take the plunge. Fear not, for we’re here to set the record straight and demystify some common misconceptions surrounding Doughboy® pools.

Myth #1: Above Ground Swimming Pools Are Flimsy and Unstable

Some may argue that above ground swimming pools lack the durability and stability of their in-ground counterparts. Well, let us assure you that Doughboy pools are engineered to defy this myth. Our pools boast sturdy, high-quality materials that ensure both strength and stability. With the proper setup and maintenance, your above ground swimming pool can stand the test of time and provide years of aquatic enjoyment.

Doughboy Recreational is in no way affiliated with any professional pool installer. Therefore, Doughboy Pools can assume no responsibility for errors in installation by the homeowner or said professional installer. If you have the pool installed by others, please supervise to be sure they comply with proper installation techniques.

Myth #2: Above Ground Swimming Pools Are Only Temporary Fixtures

A common misconception surrounding above ground swimming pools is the belief that they are merely temporary solutions. Our pools are not fleeting additions; they are crafted with durable materials and expert design to withstand the test of time. Choosing a Doughboy pool means investing in a long-lasting aquatic haven, dispelling the notion that above ground swimming pools are only a temporary escape from the summer heat. Embrace the enduring beauty and functionality of Doughboy pools, making your outdoor oasis a source of joy for many seasons to come.

Myth #3: Above Ground Swimming Pools Are Eyesores in the Yard

Forget the notion that above ground pools are unsightly additions to your outdoor space. Here at Doughboy Pools, we take pride in offering aesthetically pleasing options that seamlessly integrate with your landscaping. Our pool selections cater to various tastes, ensuring you find a style that perfectly enhances the allure of your backyard retreat.

Myth #4: Above Ground Swimming Pools Cannot Be Recessed

There’s a common misconception that above ground pools are restricted to an above-surface existence and cannot be seamlessly integrated into the landscape. This myth, however, is easily dispelled by Doughboy Pools. Contrary to popular belief, all Doughboy pools are designed to be recessed to a point. Just be sure to follow the Doughboy below-grade instructions to provide a customizable and aesthetically pleasing option for your backyard oasis.

In fact, some of our models go even further, allowing for additional recessing. So, if you’ve ever doubted the possibility of an above ground pool blending harmoniously into your landscape, rest assured that Doughboy Pools offers the flexibility to bury and integrate your pool to your desired depth, challenging the notion that above ground pools cannot be buried.


Myth #5: Above Ground Pools Lack Features

Do you believe that above ground pools are missing out on important features? Think again! At Doughboy Pools, we provide a variety of optional enhancements to enrich your swimming experience. Explore premium entry systems, vacuums, pool lighting, sturdy handrails, and more. Whether it’s upgrading to premium liners or adding those personalized touches, we’ve got everything you need to tailor your above ground swimming pool to your unique preferences.

Myth #6: Above Ground Swimming Pools Are Only for Kids

Above ground pools are not just for the little ones to splash around in. Doughboy pools cater to all age groups, providing ample space for relaxation, exercise, and family fun. With the right design and accessories, your above ground pool can become a sophisticated retreat for adults as well as a play haven for the younger members of the family.

It’s time to toss these myths aside and embrace the truth about Doughboy pools. Our above ground swimming pools are durable, aesthetically pleasing, easy to maintain, feature-rich, and suitable for all ages. So, why wait? Explore the world of Doughboy pools and experience the joy of above ground swimming without the unnecessary myths holding you back! Follow us on social media for updates and contact your local Doughboy dealer today to get started.

  • Steel
  • Resin
  • Hydrosphere

Palm Shore

Round 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′, 32′
Oval 18′ X 12′, 20′ X 12′, 24’ ′ X 12′, 28′ X 12′, 32′ X 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ X 16′, 32′ X 16′, 34′ X 18′, 41′ X 21’

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Round 8′, 12’, 16’, 18’, 21’, 24’, 28’
Oval 20’X12’, 24’X12’, 28’x12’ (only 48” sidewall), 32’X12’,
24’X16’, 28’X16’, 32’X16’, 34’X18’ (only 48” sidewall)

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Silver Lake

Round 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′
Oval 20’X12′, 24’X12′, 24’X16′, 28’X12′, 28’X16′, 32’X16′, 34’X18′, 38’X18′ and 41′ x 21′

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Copper Canyon

Round 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′
Oval 18′ X 12′, 20′ X 12′, 24′ X 12′, 28′ X 12′, 24′ X 16′, 28′ X 16′, 32′ X 16′, 34′ X 18′, 38′ X 18′ and 41′ X 21′

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Autumn Breeze

Round: 8′, 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′
Oval:20′ x 12′, 24′ x 12′, 28′ x 12′, 32′ x 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ x 16′, 32′ x 16′, 34′ x 18′, 38′ x 18′, 41′ x 21′, 44′ x 12′, 40′ x 16′

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Cypress Ridge

Round: 8′, 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′
Oval: 20′ x 12′, 24′ x 12′, 28′ x 12′, 32′ x 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ x 16′, 32′ x 16′, 34′ x 18′, 38′ x 18′, 41′ x 21′, 44′ x 12′, 40′ x 16′

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Round:  8′, 12′ , 16′ , 18′, 21′,  24′, 28′
Oval: 24′ x 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ x 16′,  32′ x 16′, 34′ x 18′, 38″ x 18′, 41′ x 21′

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Desert Spring

Round 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′, 32′
Oval 18′ X12′, 20′ X12′, 24′ X12′, 28′ X12′, 32′ X12′, 24′ X16′, 28′ X16′, 32′ X16′, 34′ X18′, 38′ X18′, 41′ X21′

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Pearl River

Round: 8′, 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′, 32′
Oval: 18′ x 12′, 20′ x 12′, 24′ x 12′, 28′ x 12’ , 32′ x 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ x 16′, 32′ x 16′, 34′ x 18′, 38′ x 18′, 41′ x 21′

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Doughboy’s Hydrosphere Series Pools are the perfect solution when recessing your pool 2 feet or more into the ground. Simple Shapes + Simple Installation + Simple Designs = Inground quality at affordable prices.

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