6 Easy Steps to Winterize an Above Ground Swimming Pool

As the summer season winds down and the chilly embrace of winter approaches, it’s time to prepare your above ground swimming pool for the colder months. Winterizing your pool is a crucial step to ensure its longevity and protect it from potential damage caused by freezing temperatures. Our experts at Doughboy® Pools have made it an easy process with these six simple steps to help you winterize your above ground pool effectively without complex procedures. 

Step 1: Know the Right Time to Winterize Your Above Ground Swimming Pool

Before beginning the process, it’s essential to determine the right time to winterize your above ground pool. Typically, this should be done when the temperature consistently drops below 65°F (18°C). This will vary depending on the region you live in. 

By acting promptly, you can prevent potential issues caused by freezing temperatures, such as cracked pipes or damaged equipment. If you act too soon, you run the risk of growing algae or other bacteria that will be difficult to get rid of come spring.

Step 2: Thoroughly Clean the Pool

Begin the winterization process by thoroughly cleaning your above ground swimming pool. Remove any debris, leaves, and dirt using a pool skimmer, pool brush, and a pool vacuum

Ensure that the pool water is crystal clear, as clean water will help prevent algae growth during the winter months.

Step 3: Balance the Water Chemistry

Maintaining the proper water chemistry is crucial for winterizing your above ground pool effectively. Test the water using a reliable pool water testing kit and adjust the chemical levels accordingly. 

Aim for a pH level between 7.4 and 7.6, total alkalinity between 80 and 120 ppm, calcium hardness between 175 and 225 ppm, and a chlorine level between 1 and 3 ppm.

Once everything is balanced, you can add winterizing chemicals to the water. These can typically be purchased together in a kit.

Step 4: Lower the Water Level in Your Above Ground Swimming Pool

For steps 4-6, be sure to follow the winterizing instructions from your Doughboy Pool Manual. We’ve included images from the manual, but please refer to the one that came with your pool for our most up-to-date instructions.

Doughboy Winterizing Instructions

To protect your above ground pool from potential damage caused by freezing, lower the water level below the main skimmer opening. Usually, a water level a few inches below the skimmer opening is recommended. It is important to keep enough water in the pool to stabilize the walls.

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for your specific pool model to determine the appropriate water level. This can be found in your owner’s guide. If you have misplaced your guide, they are available on our website under your specific pool model. 

Step 5: Drain and Protect Your Above Ground Swimming Pool Equipment

To prevent damage to your pool’s equipment, drain and store it in a safe place for the winter. This includes removing and cleaning the pool pump, filter, and heater (if applicable). 

You should check your owners guide for component specific instructions as any damage caused by freezing will not be covered in your Doughboy warranty. 

See the Winterizing Doughboy Filter Instructions

Winterizing Filter


Step 6: Install a Reliable Pool Cover

The final step in winterizing your above ground pool is installing a high-quality pool cover. Doughboy offers a range of durable pool covers designed to provide maximum protection for your pool during the winter months. These covers help keep debris out of your pool, help prevent algae growth, and shield it from harsh weather conditions. Choose a cover that fits your pool size and shape securely. 

Additionally, when springtime returns, consider investing in a pool cover pump to remove any excess water that may accumulate on the cover. When winterizing your pool, an air pillow (or two) will help prevent the winter cover from sinking into the pool.

With these simple steps, you can effectively prepare your above ground swimming pool for the winter season and know you will be able to enjoy it again come spring. 

Reach out to your local Doughboy dealer with any questions you may still have, or send us a message on our Facebook page. With a durable Doughboy pool, you’ll know your swimming pool is built to withstand even the toughest winter weather conditions.

  • Steel
  • Resin
  • Hydrosphere

Palm Shore

Round 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′, 32′
Oval 18′ X 12′, 20′ X 12′, 24’ ′ X 12′, 28′ X 12′, 32′ X 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ X 16′, 32′ X 16′, 34′ X 18′, 41′ X 21’

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Round 8′, 12’, 16’, 18’, 21’, 24’, 28’
Oval 20’X12’, 24’X12’, 28’x12’ (only 48” sidewall), 32’X12’,
24’X16’, 28’X16’, 32’X16’, 34’X18’ (only 48” sidewall)

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Silver Lake

Round 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′
Oval 20’X12′, 24’X12′, 24’X16′, 28’X12′, 28’X16′, 32’X16′, 34’X18′, 38’X18′ and 41′ x 21′

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Copper Canyon

Round 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′
Oval 18′ X 12′, 20′ X 12′, 24′ X 12′, 28′ X 12′, 24′ X 16′, 28′ X 16′, 32′ X 16′, 34′ X 18′, 38′ X 18′ and 41′ X 21′

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Autumn Breeze

Round: 8′, 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′
Oval:20′ x 12′, 24′ x 12′, 28′ x 12′, 32′ x 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ x 16′, 32′ x 16′, 34′ x 18′, 38′ x 18′, 41′ x 21′, 44′ x 12′, 40′ x 16′

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Cypress Ridge

Round: 8′, 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′
Oval: 20′ x 12′, 24′ x 12′, 28′ x 12′, 32′ x 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ x 16′, 32′ x 16′, 34′ x 18′, 38′ x 18′, 41′ x 21′, 44′ x 12′, 40′ x 16′

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Round:  8′, 12′ , 16′ , 18′, 21′,  24′, 28′
Oval: 24′ x 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ x 16′,  32′ x 16′, 34′ x 18′, 38″ x 18′, 41′ x 21′

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Desert Spring

Round 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′, 32′
Oval 18′ X12′, 20′ X12′, 24′ X12′, 28′ X12′, 32′ X12′, 24′ X16′, 28′ X16′, 32′ X16′, 34′ X18′, 38′ X18′, 41′ X21′

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Pearl River

Round: 8′, 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′, 32′
Oval: 18′ x 12′, 20′ x 12′, 24′ x 12′, 28′ x 12’ , 32′ x 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ x 16′, 32′ x 16′, 34′ x 18′, 38′ x 18′, 41′ x 21′

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Doughboy’s Hydrosphere Series Pools are the perfect solution when recessing your pool 2 feet or more into the ground. Simple Shapes + Simple Installation + Simple Designs = Inground quality at affordable prices.

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