6 Tips for Opening Your Above-Ground Pool

With spring here and summer fast approaching, it is time to consider opening your above-ground pool! Doughboy® experts are here to make sure things run smoothly with tips on opening your above-ground swimming pool. 

1. Make sure you have all of the tools you need to open the pool before you start.

Before you begin, make sure you have everything you need. We have all been mid-project before, only to realize we are missing something critical and have to stop to go to the store. It is the worst. 

Make sure you have a cover pump to remove water from your pool cover, a broom or leaf blower to remove debris, water care to balance the water in your pool, mild soap to clean the pool cover, and a brush and pool vacuum.

Once you have your materials together, you can confidently move forward. 

2. Clean the pool cover first!

Always, always start opening your above-ground pool by cleaning off the pool cover. Starting here will make sure none of the nasty debris left on the cover gets into your water, causing even more issues to deal with before you can swim. It will also ensure your cover is clean when you put it away, allowing it to last longer. 

Quality pool covers can be an investment, so make sure you are protecting yours by being gentle with it and storing it only after it is clean.

3. Check for any leaks in your pool and equipment when you get things running.

Once you have all of your equipment hooked back up and running, it is a good idea to thoroughly inspect your above-ground pool and its equipment. Make sure nothing is leaking or malfunctioning from being stored throughout the winter. This could save you a lot of money in the long run if you catch it early.

4. Clean the pool before adding water care.

Don’t jump into adding chemicals immediately once the cover is gone and the equipment is running. Take time to clean your pool thoroughly first. Scrub the sides, run the vacuum, etc. The more grime you loosen and remove up front, the less water care you will need to use to get the water clean and balanced. 

5. Shock your pool at night to keep the shock from burning off too quickly.

Another awesome money-saving tip is to add your shock at night time so that the sun doesn’t burn off the chemicals as quickly. This will make opening your above-ground pool less costly upfront.

6. Now is a good time to take your water sample to a nearby dealer to have it professionally checked.

After opening your above-ground pool, grab a water sample and take it to your nearest pool dealer for professional testing before the swim season is underway. This will ensure you aren’t in for any nasty surprises down the road. 

Start your swim season off right using these tips while opening your above-ground pool. If you have any questions, contact your local authorized Doughboy Dealer. They will be glad to assist you! Click the Find a Dealer button to locate your nearest dealer. 

  • Steel
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Palm Shore

Round 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′, 32′
Oval 18′ X 12′, 20′ X 12′, 24’ ′ X 12′, 28′ X 12′, 32′ X 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ X 16′, 32′ X 16′, 34′ X 18′, 41′ X 21’

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Round 8′, 12’, 16’, 18’, 21’, 24’, 28’
Oval 20’X12’, 24’X12’, 28’x12’ (only 48” sidewall), 32’X12’,
24’X16’, 28’X16’, 32’X16’, 34’X18’ (only 48” sidewall)

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Silver Lake

Round 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′
Oval 20’X12′, 24’X12′, 24’X16′, 28’X12′, 28’X16′, 32’X16′, 34’X18′, 38’X18′ and 41′ x 21′

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Copper Canyon

Round 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′
Oval 18′ X 12′, 20′ X 12′, 24′ X 12′, 28′ X 12′, 24′ X 16′, 28′ X 16′, 32′ X 16′, 34′ X 18′, 38′ X 18′ and 41′ X 21′

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Autumn Breeze

Round: 8′, 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′
Oval:20′ x 12′, 24′ x 12′, 28′ x 12′, 32′ x 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ x 16′, 32′ x 16′, 34′ x 18′, 38′ x 18′, 41′ x 21′, 44′ x 12′, 40′ x 16′

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Cypress Ridge

Round: 8′, 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′
Oval: 20′ x 12′, 24′ x 12′, 28′ x 12′, 32′ x 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ x 16′, 32′ x 16′, 34′ x 18′, 38′ x 18′, 41′ x 21′, 44′ x 12′, 40′ x 16′

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Round:  8′, 12′ , 16′ , 18′, 21′,  24′, 28′
Oval: 24′ x 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ x 16′,  32′ x 16′, 34′ x 18′, 38″ x 18′, 41′ x 21′

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Desert Spring

Round 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′, 32′
Oval 18′ X12′, 20′ X12′, 24′ X12′, 28′ X12′, 32′ X12′, 24′ X16′, 28′ X16′, 32′ X16′, 34′ X18′, 38′ X18′, 41′ X21′

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Pearl River

Round: 8′, 12′, 16′, 18′, 21′, 24′, 28′, 32′
Oval: 18′ x 12′, 20′ x 12′, 24′ x 12′, 28′ x 12’ , 32′ x 12′, 24′ x 16′, 28′ x 16′, 32′ x 16′, 34′ x 18′, 38′ x 18′, 41′ x 21′

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Doughboy’s Hydrosphere Series Pools are the perfect solution when recessing your pool 2 feet or more into the ground. Simple Shapes + Simple Installation + Simple Designs = Inground quality at affordable prices.

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